Thursday, February 12, 2015

Post 7 Climax

The climax of this myth is when Thor dresses up as me Freyja in bridal attire. While Loki is dressed up as a bridesmaid. They then go to Jotunheim the land of the giants to trick Thrym into giving back Thor's hammer by making him believe that Thor is me and is very excited to be marrying Thrym. Which is what they use to explain as to why I look so different. Loki dressed as a bridesmaid says that I (Thor) was very excited about the wedding and I had not eaten in eight days or slept in eight days due to my excitement. Which was why I was acting so differently but in reality it was Thor dressed as me but he didn't realize that by acting like a man he was adding suspicion to whether or not it was the truth. SO all in all the climax of this myth is when Thor and Loki dress as women Thor as me and  Loki as my bridesmaid in order to retrieve Thor's hammer.

Thor and Loki dressed as women Thor as me (Freyja) and Loki as my bridesmaid.


  1. Wouldn't the climax be when you regain your hammer? That, after all, is the whole purpose you are dressed up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I absolutely adore this plan. Not even I would make my prisoners do something so humiliating!

  4. I am surprised. Is it not slightly insulting that such a masculine god could be accepted and pass as you?

  5. I am surprised. Is it not slightly insulting that such a masculine god could be accepted and pass as you?

    1. Yes in some ways it is insulting that he could pass as me. But in the end I would rather have it be him there than me.

    2. Yes in some ways it is insulting that he could pass as me. But in the end I would rather have it be him there than me.
